

“An elaborate healing system exists in the body, a system that repairs wounds, renews bone and most important, corrects ‘mistakes’ that creep into our DNA blueprint that, if uncorrected, could result in cancer or other chronic diseases.” – Dr. Andrew Weil




2. NUTRITIONAL THERAPY – Food functions to rebuild living tissues, supply energy and preserve a proper medium in which the biochemical processes of the body can take place. If the food we eat fails to adequately perform these functions, then tissues become compromised, the body cannot utilize energy efficiently, and toxicity develops. Disease and, ultimately, death sets in. Although cancer can affect many different parts of the body, the foods that prevent cancer and deter cancer growth are generally the same: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, spices and micro-algae. All have important nutrients and other cancer – fighting substances (phytochemicals) that strengthen immune function and destroy cancer-causing substances before they cause harm. Choose different colors of produce to obtain the full spectrum of complementary nutrients that your body needs. For complete and detailed food information, refer to TGS13-TGS25 PDI articles. Consider planting, eating and buying organic foods to avoid antibiotics, artificial growth hormones, high fructose corn syrup, artificial dyes made from tar and petrochemicals, artificial sweeteners derived from chemicals, chemical pesticide and fertilizers, genetically engineered proteins and ingredients, sewage sludge and irradiation. All of these increase breast cancer risk and stimulate breast cell activity.

3. HERBAL THERAPY – Herbs were once the primary means of treating illnesses and assuring ongoing good health. The seemingly mystical healing properties of various herbs and botanicals have helped cure all manner of afflictions. There are herbal preparations for detoxification and various blends for common health conditions. Mounting evidence indicates that herbal preparations have cancer-fighting properties, and that many herbs and botanicals aid breast cancer prevention and control. Let us utilize nature’s greatest gift to mankind: herbs! The delightful secret of “nature’s gift” is that it can be part of our diet. It is amazing how each herbal preparation comes with a list of medicinal benefits that keep us healthy and strong, and how medicine can be enjoyable!

4. D-DAY EVERYDAY – Vitamin D can help prevent breast cancer and block growth of breast cancer tumors. In fact, over 60 years of research has shown vitamin D supplementation or sunlight-induced vitamin D conversion to be associated with lower incidence of cancers. Premenopausal women with higher intakes of vitamin D were also shown to have roughly 30 percent lower breast cancer risk. Eat a diet rich in whole foods and complex carbohydrates, and nutrient-dense, fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, cod, organic eggs, and sardines. However, it is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from your diet. Sunlight exposure is the only reliable way to generate vitamin D in your own body. Allow yourself limited, unprotected sun exposure of about 15-20 minutes in the early morning.

5. TAMING STRESS – The mechanism of stress helps us be productive, motivated and creative in our activities, projects and responsibilities. Finding balance in healthy, motivational stress instead of succumbing to unbalanced, unhealthy and overwhelming stress creates the fine line between productivity and disease. Most diseases have large emotional components. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of all diseases are related to emotional stress. Most individuals have a psychological as well as physical predisposition to disease. The mechanics are the same: emotional stress weakens the immune system and make you vulnerable to disease.

6. PHYSICAL EXERCISE – Exercise, a major part of the human body’s defense strategy, can increase the number of white blood cells up to fourteen times their normal amount. That is an able army to fight any battle, and it can be produced regularly! “Greater participation in physical activity has consistently been associated with reduced risk of cancer incidence, including breast and colon cancers,” says James McClain, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute.

7. SPIRITUALITY – Evidenced based research and studies have shown that faith and spirituality play a significant, positive role in preventing and healing cancer and other chronic diseases. They strengthen our body’s defense against abnormal cells and activate pathways that give us health and vitality. The most common spiritual exercises are prayer and meditation.

A woman’s breast symbolizes many aspects of her being: femininity, maternity, attraction, youth. The meaning and significance of having breasts goes beyond the mere symbolism or focus of sensualitya woman’s breasts are the source of all life! To prevent or control breast cancer, it is not enough to commit to just changing one’s diet or taking some supplements and herbs. Commitment, perseverance, belief, passion, forgiveness and purpose for life are key factors to prevention and healing breast cancer.

Meanwhile, here is the Green Secret’s “Sun Burst” juice. (Make sure to scrub and wash all ingredients well before juicing). It is a MUST to use organic ingredients only.

½ pineapple
¼ small cabbage (red)
1 lime (peeled)

Juice all ingredients in your masticating juicer. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.

Let us commit ourselves to preventing or reversing breast cancer aided by a mysterious and miraculous power we can only describe as the grace of God. Join us this November in keeping our elderly healthy “Ageing Well with Integrative Medicine”. Thank you IAJ WELLNESS CORPORATION for making this information public. For more information or questions, email me at [email protected].


Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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