A healthy diet is a central aspect of integrative medicine, and the mainstream diet, made up of processed and manufactured foods, causes chronic inflammation in the body that can lead to a multitude of diseases.” Dr. Andrew Weil
The Core Plan to Prevent chronic Diseases
The main goal is to increase the number of Filipinos who are healthy at every stage of life (from conception to resurrection). The strategy provides evidence-based recommendations that are fundamental to improving the nation’s health through the active engagement of all sectors of society to help achieve these goals. These evidence-based recommendations will reduce the burden of leading causes of preventable death and major illness. Here is the first of seven priority areas…
1 Healthy Eating
(1) VEGETABLES: Vegetables are rich in antioxidants and anti-chronic disease nutrients. They have a preferred lower glycemic index and are rich in cleansing fiber.
• Carotenoids – Green plants create sugars by capturing the sun’s energy in a process called photosynthesis. The electrons that must be corralled in this process can be highly destructive to living cells. Hence, nature has evolved an impressive system of protectors, including carotenoids and bioflavonoids. They function in a similar way to the lead lining in a nuclear reactor that absorbs dangerous unpaired electrons. Both carotenoids and bioflavonoids can stimulate the immune system, while there is preliminary evidence that carotenoids may be directly toxic to tumor cells.
Star Choices: carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, yams, red cabbage, apricots, peaches, cantaloupe, papaya, watermelon and leafy vegetables: moringa, seaweeds, Brussels sprouts, spinach, asparagus, parsley and lettuce.
• Cruciferous Vegetables – Cruciferous vegetables are a wonderful family of vegetables containing a series of anti-cancer, detoxifying substances, including indole-3-carbinol and sulforafane. Research has proven that they may provide protection against certain cancers, including breast, colon and bladder cancers. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower were involved in the “ground floor” discovery that nutrition is linked to cancer. They stimulate the production of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).
The anti-chronic disease properties of cruciferous vegetables come from phytochemicals called isothiocyanates, which stimulate our bodies to break down potential chronic disease causing agents and carcinogens. Eat some of these everyday: arugula, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, daikon, horseradish, kale, mustard greens, rutabaga, Swiss chard, turnips and watercress. These deep-green veggies are super sources of antioxidants and fiber as well as magnesium, which the insulin hormone needs to function.
• Legumes – Garbanzo, kidney beans, pinto beans, mung beans and many others constitute this food group, which is rich in protease inhibitors for cancer fighting, inositol hex phosphate (phytic acid, also sold as IP-6) and genistein for shutting down the making of blood vessels from tumors (anti-angiogenesis). Legumes also have the cleansing activity of soluble fiber. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (USA) find a collection of substances in legumes, including isoflavones and phytoestrogens, that appear to have potent anti-cancer properties. A diet high in dried beans (legumes) may reduce the levels of insulin, glucose and markers of inflammation in men with colorectal cancer who are at risk of cancer recurrence.
• Kelp/Sea Vegetables – Scientists are providing us with more reasons to eat kelp. Kelp, dulse, nori, wakame and other varieties of sea vegetables are rich in anti-microbial agents that keep pathogens from invading our guts. Kelp has a special soluble fiber that carries harmful fats, pro-oxidants, hormone residues and other toxins out of the ocean.
Anti-cancer compounds, such as lignans, have been found in sea vegetables (kelp, kombu and wakame), which bond to oestrogen-receptor sites and inhibit oestrogen-dependent cancers. Fucoidan, which is found in kelp and bladderwrack, is extremely anti-proliferative against cancer cells. Therefore, adding sea vegetables to the diet could be a powerful way to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Fucoidan also interferes with every stage of viral attack, which is why people who eat sea vegetables seem to be more resistant to colds and flu. Sea vegetables have a powerful detoxifying effect on the body. Not only do they absorb toxins and heavy metals, they also reduce inflammation. When used in baths, the minerals found in mucilaginous seaweeds are absorbed through the skin, which aids tissue repair. The mineral salts found in sea vegetables also help move lymphatic fluids, which enhances lymphatic drainage and can be helpful in softening hardened lymph nodes.
Let us keep in mind for optimum health: color, taste and aroma. Bright and deep-hued vegetables have more phytochemicals: beets, sweet potato leaves, bitter melon, charantia leaves, etc. In these pigments lay 20,000 bioflavonoids and 800 carotenoids, which provide extraordinary antioxidant protection for the human body and immune stimulation to destroy cancer cells and prevent chronic diseases.
Plants create phytochemicals to protect themselves from the damage caused by their own photosynthesis, pests and UV radiation. This damage is similar to that done to our own bodies by free radicals – a by-product generated through the essential interaction of oxygen with our cells. Because this damage is oxidative – caused by reactions with oxygen – the phytochemicals in plants that protect us from free radicals are called antioxidants.
Meanwhile, here is the Green Secret’s “Immune Elixir” juice for healthy cholesterol and bones. (Make sure to wash all ingredients well before juicing). It is a MUST to use organic ingredients only.
• 1 tbsp fresh chopped sweet basil leaves
• 4 carrots
• 3 calamansi (remove seeds and peel)
• 1 peach (peeled if not organic) or ¼ pineapple
Juice all ingredients in your masticating juicer. Stir and enjoy the shot of long life!
Let us help build fit and healthy communities with effective chronic disease prevention systems that will keep millions of Filipinos from developing deadly and debilitating disease.I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on “Ask Dr. C at www.greensecret.com.ph” Our deepest gratitude to IAJ WELLNESS CORPORATION for making this information public. For more information or questions, email me at [email protected].
Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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