
The Green Secret’s Complete Spectrum of Cleansing & Detoxification Part II: Spiritual Detoxification

Another major part of spring cleaning and detoxification is spiritual: the greening of the spirit.

Lent is the perfect time for spiritual detoxification. It gives us a wonderful opportunity for rebirth, hope, healing, and growth. With Lent, we are able to identify those areas of imbalance or stagnation, and now is the perfect time to get back on the right path, rediscover purpose in our direction, and allow God’s light to shine through and around us.

Easter offers us a chance to start fresh, and truly experience spiritual, mental and physical renewal with the knowledge that love always conquers death.

Rituals are a symbolic way to help us release old hurts and prepare for new goals. Everyone encounters negativity in life, spiritual emptiness, unforgiveness, toxic resentments, conflicts at work and in families, self-hate, feelings of failure, breakups and loss. They can block us spiritually if we allow them to build, gather power and retain their grip. Through spiritual cleansing, we can reclaim our balance and spiritual health. Spiritual cleansing can act as the starting point for moving in a healthier direction.

1) Prepare yourself physically for the spiritual cleaning with a sponge bath of infused Holy Basil (Tulsi). Identify the specific areas of your life that need cleansing.

2) Write down the aspects of your life that you wish to cleanse. Focus on any areas of unforgiveness, anger, resentment, grudges and hurt that you need to release.

3) Meditate on the list of negatives you just created. Envision the negativity in your life dissolving, turning to dust and blowing away by the wind OR burn your list with a candle, as the paper burns, imagine everything negative rising up and vaporizing. Pray and give all these burdens to God.

Follow the ritual with a fast. It is best not to fast on water alone, as it releases toxins too quickly, causing headaches, flu like symptoms, fatigue and other potential problems. Live-juice diets promote healing by removing toxins while supplying the body with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Such a fast can also lead to long-term changes in eating habits, focusing more on vegetables. It is ideal to work with a Naturopath or experienced health care practitioner when you fast, detoxify and/or cleanse.

Fasting stills the mind and enables us to study our thought process. During fasting, toxins released into the blood affect emotions and thinking. They cause feelings of weakness, discouragement and a loss of faith. Old emotions, memories and hurts stir powerfully. You face the full power of negative, toxic thoughts. At this time, many people give up the fast. For those who hold firm, fasting brings an awareness that stills the soul and fosters peace. We can take our burdens to Christ in true humility. When the breakthrough comes, there is joyous liberation and a new YOU.

The Green Secret’s Spiritual detoxification juice “ A Taste of Heaven” . . . (Make sure to scrub and wash well all vegetables and fruits before juicing). It is IDEAL to use organic vegetables only.

2 carrots
1 sweet potato
2 apples (peeled if not organic)
Thin slice of Spanish(yellow/white) onion
Pinch of Nori or Dulce powder or fresh sea grapes (lato or arurusip)
Juice all ingredients. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.

Armed with the green secret, jump-start your health with proper detoxification so we can break the chain of chronic diseases. Let us celebrate with radiant joy the hope and light of Easter, with many blessings on your journey to optimum health of the mind, body and spirit!. For questions and more information, email me at [email protected]. Thank you IAJ WELLNESS CORP. for making this information public.

Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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