


All disease begins in the gut.” -Hippocrates, Father of Medicine


Once again, let us remember that a well-functioning digestive system is the foundation of optimum health, beauty and longevity. Our total health is dependent on the ecology of microorganisms that we house inside and outside our bodies.

Mounting evidence and numerous scientific studies have identified several factors that can wipe out our beneficial bacteria and disturb our digestive flora: poor diet, stress, anxiety, infection, antibiotics, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, high fructose syrup, and prescription drugs like birth control pills, antacids, NSAID and steroids. These cause our body systems to fail, beginning primarily with digestive functions.

Enterocytes (cells lining the gut) are kept properly functioning by healthy and balanced digestive flora, which helps digest and absorb nutrients from food. Digestive flora produces antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic substances, as well as digestive enzymes and essential vitamins (e.g., vitamins K and B). They protect the body from “invaders” in our food and byproducts of digestion leaking into the bloodstream by neutralizing or elimination.

Dysbiosis is the condition that results when the digestive flora becomes damaged. Pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungi flourish and grow out of control, often leading to a rise in allergies and autoimmune conditions. Some of the physical conditions that Dr. Campbell-McBride, UK Neurologist, believes are connected to abnormalities in gut flora include multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes.

What can we do to keep our digestive system, the inner tube of life, in optimum health?

1) Overnight Complete Digestive Cleanse. CDC jumpstarts cleansing, healing and nourishing the digestive system. A once-a-year complete digestive cleanse will : lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides • reduce and remove pains from digestive problems such as acid reflux, acidity and flatulence • lessen the need for drug medications • increase stamina, energy, endurance and quality of life • facilitate weight loss by increasing metabolism • reverse the signs of aging • keep the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small and large intestines functioning optimally • lessen arthritic pain and stiffness • help alleviate allergies and prevent diabetes • lessen the possibility of polyps and cysts formation in the gallbladder and liver • keep GI bacteria healthy • reduce water retention and congestion in the body • shed 3 to 13 pounds of weight naturally.

2) Eat whole, unprocessed and organic (if possible) foods. Know that there is no one-size-fits-all diet perfect for everyone and no magic pills to keep our digestive system healthy. The best diet consists of mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, cashew and pili nuts and seeds. Reduce or eliminate food allergies by avoiding gluten (wheat), dairy, yeast, corn, soy and eggs. Please note that most corn and soy worldwide are genetically modified.

3) Maintain adequate and consistent levels of digestive enzymes. Insufficient digestive enzymes cannot convert the foods we eat into the nutrients our organs, tissues and cells need to function properly. While the body can produce all the enzymes you need, you can also get some digestive enzymes from foods like pineapple, papaya and mango.

4) Rebuild the rain forest of friendly bacteria. Taking healthy probiotics helps balance your digestive system. Our gut is like a rain forest, full of diverse life that, if kept in check, helps our whole system flourish. Modern diet and medicines like antibiotics can cause real harm to the biodiversity in our digestive tract. Too many meds and eating too much sugar and processed foods can actually suppress this protective gastrointestinal arm. For the more than 5,000 patient visits annually to our clinics, the best probiotic in our experience is double fermented kefir. Kefir aids in lactose digestion, reduces flatulence caused by lactose intolerance by 50%, contains millions of “good” bacteria known to promote the breakdown of lactose during digestion, and is an excellent source of protein. Other great sources of probiotics: sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and artichokes.

5) Treat any infections or overgrowth of bugs. Parasites, small bowel bacteria, and yeasts can all inhibit proper gut function. Digestive bitters are herbal preparations made from bark, fruits, and roots formulated into a tincture, distillation, or infusion. Bitters aid in digestion through enhanced production of digestive enzymes, soothing intestinal inflammation and irritation, and nutritive support of the epithelial lining in the GI tract. Digestive bitters have a range of medicinal qualities, and the formulations have been handed from generation to generation.

6) Heal and seal our gut lining. The digestive flora is made up of a thick layer of microbes (i.e. bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) that cover the entire surface of the gut. Phytotherapy is the use of medicinal plants to heal and restore balance in the digestive system and repair the lining so the inner tube of life can resume its normal function. Herbs include peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, ginger, turmeric, valerian, and fennel.

7) Stay hydrated. Water is one of the most essential elements for a healthy digestive system. Adequate hydration gives our digestive system the moisture it needs to properly function. Our gut needs water to keep bacteria and waste moving through our digestive system, which will help prevent constipation and bloating. When you are dehydrated, these issues can throw off the balance of bacteria in your gut and lead to inflammation. Let us give our gut a hand and drink more H2O, with slice of calamansi or lemon to boost!

Meanwhile, here is the Green Secret’s “GI Health” juice. (Make sure to scrub and wash all ingredients well before juicing). It is a MUST to use organic ingredients only

• ½ small papaya
• 1 stem malunggay or 3 leaves kale
• ¼ head cabbage (small)
• 1 inch ginger
• 1 calamansi (remove seeds and peel)

Juice all ingredients in your masticating juicer. Stir and enjoy!

Our body communicates to us. If we take notice and decode its signals, then we would be much stronger and healthier. Let us make it a habit to regularly assess and recognize the complexity of our relationship with food and lifestyle that affects our inner tube of life. We can then discover and understand the link between digestive health and allergies, depression, obesity, auto-immune diseases and even cancer, and realize our own unique health potential. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on “Ask Dr. C at” Our deepest gratitude to IAJ WELLNESS CORPORATION for making this information public. For more information or questions, email me at [email protected].

Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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