
PART V – HEALTHY GREEN SOLUTIONS TO THE OBESITY EPIDEMIC A Tribute to Men of Green Honoring all Fathers of the World: Loving, Protective and Dependable!

One out of 4 Filipinos is hypertensive,1 out of 20 has high fasting bloodsugar, and 1 out of 4 is eitheroverweight or obese (Dr. Renzo Guinto,consultant, International Organization forMigration and Philippine Department ofHealth, Jan 2014).

In 2012, I was approached by a group ofyoung executives who wanted to learn how to improve their odds of living longer and living well. Eleven men graduated inthe same school. They were all barely 35years old, but already had a significant health scare such as a diagnosis of diabetes,hypertension, elevated cholesterol, erectiledysfunction and fatty liver all caused by weight gain.

Men pay an extra price for excess weight, sinceobesity takes a special toll on male hormones, sexuality, and prostate health. Every pound a man gains above a healthy weight makes his heart work harder. Packing on pounds in the abdomen (producing a top-heavy“apple shape”) is more dangerous to the heart and diabetes risk than adding pounds below the waist (the “pearshape”). That’s because fat, once thought to be nothing more than a calorie store house, is biologically active. Abdominal fat, particularly the visceral type that surrounds vital organs, produces hormones and chemicals that can wreak havoc with blood pressure, blood sugar,and other factors that affect heart health.

Less testosterone: Excess weight lowerst estosterone levels, which can affect muscle function and heart health. A four-inch increase in waist size increases a man’s odds of having low testosterone levels by75%.

Erectile dysfunction: Men who are obese are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction (ED).

Fertility: Obesity has been linked to low sperm count and reduced sperm motility, both of which can make a man less fertile.

Kidney stones: Obese men are more likely to develop kidney stones, which are typically very painful.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargedprostate): The prostate gland oftenen larges with age, and tends to enlarge more in men who are overweight.

Prostate cancer: Obesity changes the metabolism of sex hormones. Some studies have shown that extra body fat increases a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer.

Excess body fat does more than produce bad numbers: it raises levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides, lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol, raises blood sugar and insulin levels, and also increases risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, gallstones, cancer, osteoarthritis,obstructive sleep apnea, fatty liver, and depression. All in all, obesity is a killer.

Today is the best time to take stock of your life choices, especially those that affect your health. Let us do everything in our power to prevent these chronic diseases that are the top killers of men—including heart disease, diabetes, and chronicrespiratory problems. They are usually the result of poor lifestyle choices such aseating unhealthy foods, not getting enough physical activity, and smoking cigarettes.By improving these habits, you can often dramatically reduce and maybe avoid these diseases altogether. Walk briskly for a half-hour per day, five days a week, and you will cut your risk of diabetes byone-third. If you give up smoking today,and manage to keep it up, you will cut your risk of heart disease by half by this time next year as validated by thousands of scientific studies.

Diet and exercise matter more in the endthan genetics: “Genes load the gun, and lifestyle pulls the trigger.” In other words,you can avoid activating many disease-promoting genes if you adopthealthy habits. Moreover, you can amplifythe benefits of “good genes” with positive lifestyle choices. Research shows that ourbodies have powerful regenerative powers. You can change your predisposition to disease by choosing how you live the next half of your life.

Meanwhile, enjoy our special Father’s Day Green Juice! (Make sure to scrub and washwell all vegetables and fruits before juicing). It is a MUST to use organic vegetables only.

  • 2 oranges, peeled
  • 1cup chopped pineapple
  • 1 inch ginger root
  • 3 leaves romaine, green leaf lettuce or stems of malunggay
  • 1 lime, peeled
  • ground turmeric and ginger


Juice all ingredients with your masticating juicer. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.

It takes work to shed excess pounds and there is no quick fix, but it is surely possible. Lifestyle changes really matter. They are more powerful in protecting against all thesekiller diseases than any medicine yet invented or discovered. Start now: it is the manly thing to do! Let us make today, a new beginning for all you fathers in the world … Happy Father’s Day! Thank you IAJ Wellness Corp. for making this information public. For more information or questions, email me at [email protected].



Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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