Let us add more years to life and more healthy life to years . . .
Glycation is the first step in the life and death cycle of virtually every cell in the human body. Although both proteins and sugars are involved in the process of creating Advanced Glycation End products, sugar, specifically FRUCTOSE, is the true source of the problem. Fructose is an extremely potent pro-inflammatory agent that creates AGEs and speeds up the aging process.
Let us understand why Fructose is the #1 cause of AGEs and inflammation . . . Fructose is one of the main sugars from fruits, the others being sucrose and glucose. But the fructose found in processed, junk and fast foods is an entirely different beast. Food manufacturers and producers sweeten our food with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS does not come from fruits at all, but from a highly processed blend derived from corn that is usually genetically modified. It is a manmade sweetener found in a wide range of processed, junk and fast foods: soft drinks, ice teas, ketchup, cereals, crackers, salad dressings, energy drinks, cookies, breads, ice cream, canned soups and sauces, etc.
Fructose is largely converted into fat. The fatty acids created during fructose metabolism accumulate as fat droplets in your liver and skeletal muscle tissues, causing insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Fructose consumption can thus lead to liver disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, elevated uric acid, gout, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and weight gain, raised LDL cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, and heart disease. To make matters worse, fructose does not trigger the release of insulin and leptin in our blood. These hormones tell our body it’s no longer hungry, so we end up eating more.
As much as possible, let us try to get our sweet fix from whole fruit instead. We will get natural sugar as well as much needed, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Fructose is absorbed more slowly when whole fruits are consumed.
Dr. Henry S. Lodge, faculty member of Columbia Medical School and co-author of “Younger Next Year!” wrote a great article in the March 18, 2007 issue of Parade Magazine. He gives anti-aging advice called “The 1% Solution!” and writes:
“Your body is made up of trillions of cells that live mostly for a few weeks or months, die and are replaced by new cells in an endless cycle“. For example, your taste buds live only a few hours, white blood cells live 10 days, and your muscle cells live about three months. Even your bones dissolve and are replaced, over and over again. A few key stem cells in each organ and your brain cells are the only ones that stick around for the duration. All of your other cells are in a constant state of renewal.
“You replace about 1% of your cells every day. That means 1% of your body is brand-new today, and you will get another 1% tomorrow. Think of it as getting a whole new body every three months. It’s not entirely accurate, but it’s pretty close.”
The Great News: We All Have Control Over the Process!
What MUST we do to protect ourselves from Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)?
1) AVOIDING SUGAR in our diet is a well-known key to longevity. Of all the molecules capable of inflicting damage in our body, sugar molecules are probably the most damaging of all. Let us learn to develop a healthier palate – a taste for raw fresh vegetables and fruits.
2) DRINK PURE WATER – The one foundational ingredient that is essential for good health is pure water. It truly is the best ingredient for slowing down the aging process. How we nourish the 1% of new cells we create everyday will have a profound effect on our overall health. With that in mind, whatever is in the liquid you consume has a direct effect on cells! Pure water contains no calories, no artificial sweeteners and colorings, and is fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium and not acidic.
3) EAT VEGETABLES & FRUITS RAW OR STEAMED – Remember that water prevents sugars from binding to protein molecules. Eating fruits and vegetables raw or cooking them with steam prevents AGEs from forming.
4) AVOID PROCESSED, JUNK, FAST AND BROWN FOODS – Food manufacturers use techniques like caramelization and browning to improve the taste of their products. These techniques directly increase the number of Advanced Glycation End products contained in processed foods.
5) COOK MEATS LOW AND SLOW – Cooking at high temperatures will always produce more AGEs than cooking at lower temperatures for a longer time period. Learning how to use a crock pot can allow you to make delicious meals while substantially reducing the production of AGEs.
6) STOP SMOKING – Smoking has long been associated with cancer and cardiovascular health concerns. Recent research has clearly shown a significantly higher level of serum AGEs in smokers, especially if diabetic.
7) GO GREEN – The elixirs of youth are chlorophyll and anti-oxidant rich green juices. They contain phytonutrients preventing oxidative stress, AGEs and damage to our body from the environment or food we eat.
Remember, our overall goal is to nourish our new cells with what they need to function at their most optimal level. We cannot assign the care of our body in the hands of others- families, friends, government, the food industry, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and health care professionals are not going to be your pathway to slowing down your aging process. You, and ONLY you, can do the job.
Meanwhile, here is the Green Secret’s “Elixir of Youth” juice. This will help reverse or slow down the aging process. (Make sure to scrub and wash all ingredients well before juicing). It is a MUST to use organic ingredients only
• ½ celery stalk
• 1 cup malunggay leaves
• 1 handful spinach
• 2 kale leaves
• 2 calamansi (juice)
Juice all ingredients in your masticating juicer. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.
For more information or questions, email me at [email protected]. Thank you IAJ WELLNESS for making this information public.
Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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