
The Green Secret : Cardiovascular Disease

In 2005, the total number of cardiovascular disease deaths (mainly coronary heart disease, stroke, and rheumatic heart disease) increased globally to 17.5 million.

Of these, 9.6 million were attributed to coronary heart disease and 7.9 million to stroke. More than 80% of the deaths occurred in low and middle income countries. According to the World Health Organization, these deaths worldwide are attributable to low fruit and vegetable consumption.

What is the Green Secret? If we discover and utilize the greens that reverse these alarming statistics, we can greatly reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease. This column will unravel the Green Secret over the coming weeks and months, and we invite you to learn the greening of our environment and ourselves. Since this is the love month, we will talk about the Green Heart. The heart is not only the seat of life, circulating blood to the body, but also the seat of our emotions- “I love you from the bottom of my heart.”

Green is the color of wellness: the master healer. A powerful demonstration of the healing power of Green comes from the story of 42-year-old Shane. She came to Wellness @ Cedar nine years ago after being diagnosed with stage-4 liver cancer at Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, NYC. The US doctors gave her two months to live, and sent her home to “prepare and fix her affairs.” There was no other place for her to go except Tijuana, Mexico or Asia. Looking back, she told us that one distinct reason for her cancer was that she never touched vegetables. Now almost nine years cancer-free, she is our biggest advocate in promoting greens in the East Coast.

How do we green the heart? Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute in Florence found that those who eat at least one serving of leafy greens a day are 46% less likely to develop heart disease, because of micronutrients such as folate, antioxidants, vitamins and potassium present in green leafy vegetables.

The greener the vegetables, the more phytonutrients are available to protect us against chronic diseases. They contain a wide range of nutritional benefits of vitamins A, C, E and K as well as calcium, iron, potassium,magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, fiber, folate, and chlorophyll. Folate reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and memory loss.

Leafy greens such as Moringa, sweet potato tops, bitter melon leaves, alugbati, bok choy, Swiss chard, mustard greens, broccoli, romaine lettuce are powerful allies for of our body, assisting in purifying the blood, strengthening the immune system, promoting good intestinal bacteria and improving circulation, liver and kidney function.

Our 25 years of studies, practice, and research led us to conclude that the best method of getting all the nutrients from vegetables is by juicing. Juices are rich in soluble fiber, such as bromelain found in abundance in pineapple juice.


Green Secret Juice for Healthy Heart (Make sure to scrub and wash well all vegetables & fruits before juicing).


  • 2 stalks organic celery with leaves,
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 2-3 slices of Pineapple
  • Add few sprigs of parsley
  • 1-2 small or medium calamansi,washed, or peeled if not organic


Juice the carrots, celery, pineapple, and calamansi. Stir the juice, and pour into a glass. Serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.

  • Carrot juice has factors that can reduce cholesterol levels and increase excretion of fat by way of the stool.
  • Parsley juice is rich in bioflavonoids, magnesium, and vitamin C. Intake should be limited to a safe, therapeutic dose of 1/2 to 1 cup per day. Parsley can be toxic in overdose, and should be especially avoided by pregnant women.
  • Pineapple juice contains bromelain, an enzyme that inhibits platelet clumping.


Armed with the green secret, let us break the chain of cardiovascular disease! God bless you on your journey to health and wellbeing. Email me at [email protected].



Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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