27 May PART III: Healthy Green Solutions to the Obesity Epidemic
Our limbic brains love sugar, fat,salt.… so we formulate products todeliver these. Perhaps add low cost ingredientsto boost profit margins. Then “supersize” tosell more.… and advertise/promote to lock in “heavy users.” —Bob Drane, former vicepresident for new business strategy anddevelopment at Oscar Mayer, from SaltSugar Fat: How the Food Giants HookedUs (Random House, 2013)
Surely, the junk and fast food companies have the right to make a profit. What they do not have is the right to make a huge profit through food engineering using convenient and cheap chemicals, with full knowledge that their toxic, disease-promoting, addictive junk and fastfoods are destroying the health of our children and condemning them to life-longobesity, disease and early death. It is acrime against humanity. Hyper-palatablej unk foods activate the same path ways inthe brain as nicotine and cocaine, which isone of the main reasons adults and children cannot stop eating junk and fast foods.
So what exactly is in our junk and fast foods? We need comprehensive information on its major ingredients.Studies and research showed that sugar (white processed sugar and artificialsweetener), fat, salts, MSG, Genetically Modified foods and additives are all biologically addictive. Just think: each time we consume any of these harmfulf oods we pay twice. We pay for the junk and fast foods, and pay with our health.
SUGAR the sweetest poison, toxic, andis more addictive than cocaine! Sugar has a profound influence on our brain and psychological function. When we consume excess amounts of sugar, our body releases excess amounts of insulin, which in turncauses a drop in your blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia. In addition,sugar promotes wrinkles, increases yourappetite, depletes your body of B vitamins,causes joint degeneration, ADHD andother behavior disorders, stimulates cholesterol synthesis and weight gain.Sugar is added to ketchup, pasta sauce,salad dressing, breakfast cereals, juice andenergy drinks, baked goods, yogurt andeven baby formula.
HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP(HFCS) is the number one source ofcalories that causes obesity. They are in processed junk and fast foods, sodas, and syrup for our latte’s. The fructose in HFCS goes directly to the liver, where it converts to fat and can ultimately lead to heart disease, increases inflammation, oxidative stress and creates an aggressive raises insulin levels in the blood which deposits energy from foods into fat cells.
FAT from partially hydrogenated oils (TRANSFATS) are found in thousands of processed foods (breakfast cereals, cookies,chips), restaurant food, especially from fast food chains that often serve food loaded with trans fats. Consequences of a diet highin trans fats include: increased inflammation, decreased immunefunction, decreased testosterone, arthritis,cancer, decreased IQ ¬learning disabilities,diabetes, elevated blood pressure, freeradical production, heart disease, liverdamage, obesity and osteoporosis.
SALT, sodium chloride or table salt, is aninorganic sodium compound thatcombines with chloride and is primarily anindustrial product. It is made in largeprocessing plants and over 90% of it is usedin commercial industry. Duringmanufacturing, it is heated to around 1200degrees Fahrenheit and treated with caustic soda to remove other minerals.Anti-caking agents, like aluminumhydroxide, are then added to improve howit pours. Sodium chloride is extremely toxic to the body and causes the body toretain fluid. High intake of salt thickens and stiffens arteries and increases the riskof strokes and cardiac failure. It accelerates the rate of renal functional deterioration.Sodium chloride draws calcium from yourbones, which is excreted in your urine.Much of this salt is hidden, added by thejunk and fast food industry to soup, pizzas,chicken, sweets, chips, etc.
Yes, we blame the fat person. But how can we blame a three-year-old for being fat? How much choice do they have?
Here is the Green Secret’s “HealthRestoration Juice”. . . (Make sure to scruband wash well all vegetables and fruitsbefore juicing. It is IDEAL to use organicvegetables only.)
4 stems of malunggay
½ cup basil
6 stems celery
2 apples (peeled if not organic)
1 inch ginge
2 inches turmeric
8 oz water of young coconut
Juice all ingredients with your masticating juicer. Stir in the young coconut water, andserve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.
The other half of toxic junk and fast food ingredients will be in the next issue. Meanwhile, can we overcome the obesity epidemic enhanced by the addictive ingredients deliberately engineered by the junk and fast food industries? Stay tuned.
For more information and questions, please email me at [email protected]
Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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