03 Jun PART IV – Green Solutions to the Obesity Epidemic
Every mouthful of fast food mealcontains a handful of chemicals thatraise ‘bad’ cholesterol levels,increase diabetes risk, lower immunity,and damage DNA. Just think, we paytwice: you pay for the junk and fast foodnow and then pay later with your health.
MSG (Monosodium glutamate), a flavorenhancer, is a chemical that has beenassociated with reproductive disorders,migraine headaches, asthma, chest pains,diarrhea, blurred vision, fatigue, hotflashes, heart palpitations, numbnessaround the face, sweating, urinarydiscomfort, permanent damage to theendocrine system leading to obesity andother serious disorders. MSG is used ingarlic and onion powder, bouillon, soupstock, seasoning for potato chips, popcorn,and breaded foods such as chickennuggets, etc. Hydrolyzed protein is acommon term used for MSG, whether it ishydrolyzed vegetable, animal or plantprotein. For a complete list of MSG’shidden names, please email [email protected]
GMO – Studies have linked GMOs witha rise in food allergies, serious organdamage, nervous system disorders andeven certain types of cancer. But thebottom line for many opposed to GMOs isthat without enough research, there issimply no way to tell how harmful GMOsare. That’s not a risk worth taking,especially when the effects GMOs have onthe environment are so obvious. http://www.responsibletechnology.org/gmo-dangers/health-risks/articles-about-risks-by-jeffrey-smith/health-risk-articles-landing.
Aspartame, Splenda, Sweet’N’Low,Equal – Aspartame is an artificial, chemicalsweetener found in many foods andbeverages including desserts, gelatins,protein powder, low calorie foods, drinkmixes and sodas. It may cause cancer,neurological problems, such as dizziness,migraine headaches, weight gain,increased appetite, bloating, rashes orhallucinations.
Food Colorings (Blue 1, 2; Red 3; Green3; Yellow 5, 6) – Six food colorings still onthe market are linked with cancer inanimal testing. There is evidence that foodcoloring and food additives contribute tobehavioral problems in children, lead tolower IQ, hyperactivity, ADHD,depression, hormonal dysfunction andcancer. Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruitcocktail, ice cream candy and baked goodshave been shown to cause thyroid tumorsin rats. This harmful coloring causes cancerand changes in brain chemistry. Read thelist of ingredients in your child’s coughsyrup! Green 3 is a potential allergen andhas been linked to bladder cancer. Green 3is added to candy, mint jelly, cereals andbeverages. Blue 1 and 2, found in beverages candy, baked goods, cereals and pet foodhave been linked to allergies and cancer.Yellow 5 is the most notable artificial color,because it causes the most immediateallergic reaction in people sensitive tosalicylates such as aspirin. Yellow 6 hasbeen linked to tumors of the adrenal glandand kidney. Yellow 6 is added to beverages,sausage, gelatin, baked goods and candy.
Artificial Flavorings are cheap chemicalmixtures that mimic natural ingredients.They are used to make processed foodstaste good. Foods claiming to havenaturally occurring flavors, such as orange,banana, apple, etc. are often made purelywith artificial or synthetic ingredients.Foods and beverages with artificialingredients can cause an array of healthproblems, especially when used frequently.Artificial flavors have been known to causechest pain, headaches, fatigue, nervoussystem depression, allergies, dizziness,nausea, seizures and even brain damage.With over three thousand artificialflavoring ingredients currently inproduction, any number of these sideeffects could be part of your meals on adaily basis. One of the more commonartificial flavorings, caramel, has beenknown to cause vitamin B6 deficiencies,genetic defects, as well as cancer.Saccharin, another popular flavoringredient, can bring on allergic or toxicreactions, tumors, and bladder cancer.
Now, that we have learned one of themajor causes of global obesity, it canprovoke the feeling of “ what is there left toeat?” The revelation of the addictivenature of junk, processed and fast foods isa necessary step in moving the worldtoward greater health and corporateresponsibility. Each one of us must takeresponsibility for our individual lives.
Meanwhile, enjoy this Green Secret’s “StopCraving Xpress” juice. Make sure to scruband wash well all vegetables and fruitsbefore juicing). It is a MUST to use organicvegetables only.
- 1 small sweet potato (scrubbed well)
- 3 carrots
- 1/2 small beat (peeled)
Juice all ingredients with your masticating juicer. Stir and serve at room temperatureor chilled, as desired.
Please value your health, know WHAT foods to avoid and understand WHY! Justthink that each time you consume any ofthese harmful foods, you slash severalhours or days off your life! Next week wewill be honoring our fathers. Let us honorthem by helping them keep healthy! Formore information or questions, email me at [email protected]
Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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