29 Jun PART XIII – Green Solutions to the Obesity Epidemic
CONCLUSION CON’T… Together, we can bring about change in solving the obesity epidemic and prevent 85% of chronic diseases and premature death from heart, type 2 diabetes and colon, breast and endometrial cancers if everyone will work to address all known risk factors.
Seven Pathways to Healthy Weight
2. Complete Digestive Clean Up and Detoxification
One of the CORE reasons for weight gain, obesity and chronic disease is a compromised digestive system. Overeating adds unnecessary strain and stress on your body’s natural detoxification process. Improper digestion means mal-nutrition. Poor eating habits, such as eating too fast; not chewing food well; eating high fat, salt loaded fried or spicy foods; high sugar drinks; highly processed junk and fast foods; and eating under stressful conditions causes digestive disturbances. Food allergies and sensitivities can also be a root cause. Highly stressful lifestyles will affect how your digestive system functions. Digestive problems also cause inflammation, and inflammatory hormones put our bodies into fat storage mode.
3. Live in a Fully Hydrated Body
A glass of water before meals stimulates the sympathetic system and activates lipases to break down fat for energy use. For up to two hours, this water also stimulates the intestines to release motilin (known as the “housekeeper of the gut.”), which tells the brain that water is available; thus quieting the stomach’s “hunger pang” cries for water. This intestinal hormone also acts as a laxative, so that water’s lubricating effects encourage easy bowel movements. There is increasing evidence that the types of fluids we drink can have long-term impacts on health, influencing the development of overweight, obesity or metabolic diseases. Adopting healthy hydration habits is not only a matter of “how much to drink,” but the quality of what we drink is also important. Regular intake of sugary beverages not only compromises our immune system at least 40%, but surely lead us to weight gain, obesity and chronic diseases.
4. Tame Your Stress and Emotion
Researchers found that stress stimulates obesity by unlocking the body’s fat cells. A molecule the body releases when stressed, called NPY (neuropeptide Y), appears to unlock certain receptors in fat cells and causes them to grow in both size and number. Stress also causes elevated levels of cortisol and inflammatory hormones. These hormones lead to constant cravings and put your body into chronic fat storage mode. Many people do not realize how important it is to learn how to manage and reduce stress. It is harder to eat healthy when we are under stress, and we especially tend to eat high-calorie processed junk and fast foods even when we are not hungry. To prevent weight gain during stress and reduce the risk of obesity, we have to learn how to tame our stress and get our feelings out of the refrigerator. It is very common to let our feelings overrule our appetites: angry + lonely = ice cream and cakes; hurt = chocolate and chips. When you feel less stressed and more in control of your life, you may find it easier to stick to healthy eating and exercise habits.
5. Exercise, Play, and Rest
A regular schedule of exercise increases the rate of calories burned while exercising, even when the workout is over and you are resting, as long as you exercise at least three days a week on a consistent basis. Because it accounts for 60% to 75% of your daily energy expenditure, any increase in resting energy expenditure is extremely important to your weight-loss effort. Engage in vigorous activity that helps stimulate your metabolism, like brisk walking or rebounding.
Research shows that sufficient sleep also plays an important role in weight management and decreasing the risk of metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, diabetes and other diseases characterized by metabolic abnormalities. In 7-year research and studies of 7,022 middle-aged people, researchers found that those who slept less burned fewer calories, ate more, craved more, hung on to fat more and had more time to eat.
Weight gain and the obesity crisis are the greatest threats to our nation’s future. At home, school, and in the workplace, the terrible toll of suffering is being felt. Obesity plays a central role in creating our major causes of death and disability. Our failure to act would dramatically compromise so much that we care about and love.
Meanwhile, here is the green secret’s “Moringa Super Tonic,” a lean, green healing drink. It removes toxins and harmful bacteria from the colon. Moringa chlorophyll is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and oxygen. (Make sure to scrub and wash all vegetables and fruits well before juicing). It is a MUST to use organic vegetables only.
- 10-15 stalks of Malunggay
- ¼ small pineapple
Juice all ingredients with your masticating juicer. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired. Remember … a green juice a day keeps the doctor away. For more info or questions, email me at [email protected]
Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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