
Part I: Breast Cancer. Our Tribute to Women of Green: courageous, committed and persistent

Today, most people continue to equate cancer with death, or, at the very least, an excruciating journey back to health filled with physical debilitation and pain. The Philippines has the highest breast cancer mortality and lowest survival rates among the 15 Asian countries. With the fact that 1 out of 9 Filipinas today could develop breast cancer, we need to be aggressive in preventing the #1 killer of our mothers, sisters and daughters.

For better understanding and recall, here are the most apparent and visible causes of breast cancer:

1) Unhealthy Diet. Junk and high temperature processed foods (contain high amounts of sugar, artificial food coloring and preservatives) mimic estrogen and endocrine disruptors, raising women’s risk of breast cancer. They also boost your estrogen levels

2) Environmental Pollution. Phthalates, a family of synthetic chemicals, are known as “endocrine disruptors” because they mimic the body’s hormones and act like fertilizer for the cancer cells. Phthalates are found in nail polish, perfumes, moisturizers, baby care products, toys, food packaging, detergents, hair spray and shampoo, flavorings and solvents. These chemicals do not stay in the plastics- they soften and migrate into the air, food and/or into people, including babies in their mother’s wombs.

5) Alcohol & Smoking. Women who have developed the habit especially at an early life were found to have an increased risk for developing breast cancer by 7-12% when compared with those who do not.

6) Deadly Emotions. Under normal circumstances, the body’s reactions to these emotions do not harm one’s health. It is when one emotion is excessive, prolonged and constant that it will confuse the body and energy dynamics, unbalance and alter the blood physiology.

7) Chronic Stress. Women who experience chronic stress may be at an increased risk of suffering from breast cancer, according to a study published in the journal Cancer Research. There is truth in the statement that all disease has stress as their underlying cause.

The Green Secret’s Breast Cancer Prevention Juice is probably the most delicious drink we have at the Institute. It is perfect for beginners looking for a green juice that tastes great. If you have a masticating juicer like Matstone, this will come out deliciously smooth and sleek. If you have a centrifugal juicer, you may not be able to get much juice out of the spinach or sweet potato leaves or Malunggay. Again, make sure to thoroughly scrub and wash all vegetables and fruits before juicing.

Apples – 3 medium (peeled if not organic)
Celery – 4 stalks
Ginger – 1″ diameter
Calamansi (with rind) – 2 medium
Orange (peeled) – 1 large
Spinach or sweet potato leaves or 2-3 stems of Malunggay with stems
Juice all ingredients including Malunggay stems, peeled oranges & unpeeled calamansi. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.

Armed with the green secret, let us break the chain of women dying every minute from breast cancer! Stay tuned for Part II of this article. God bless you on your journey to health and wellbeing. Email me at [email protected].

Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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