
Part II: Breast Cancer Prevention and Control

Once we understand the underlying causes of breast cancer and what to do to correct them, effective action can be taken.

In my 26 years of experience with cancer, there seems to be a combination of factors that make healing possible: early detection and diagnosis; commitment and motivation of the patient to heal; availability of resources: non-toxic foods, water, environment, doctors, healers, and healthy herbs; a strong support system of family and friends; and deep faith and spirituality.

1. Nutritional Theraphy The functions of food are to rebuild living tissues, supply energy and preserve a proper medium in which the biochemical processes of the body can take place. If the food ingested fails to adequately perform these functions, then the architecture of the living tissues becomes compromised. Disease and, ultimately, death sets in.

2. Early Detection

Breast Self Exam (BSE) – This is your first line of defense against breast cancer. A routine monthly breast self-exam can play a key role in early detection of breast cancer. The best time to do the exam is seven to 10 days after the start of your menstrual cycle or for post-menopausal women, the same day each month. Do not forget, most breast lumps are not cancerous.
Breast Cancer Screening Modalities – Thermography is very safe, even for pregnant and nursing women! It is merely a heat image of your body. Thermography identifies precancerous or cancerous cells earlier, produces unambiguous results, cuts down on additional testing, and does not hurt the body.
3. Physical Exercise and Breast Cancer – Exercise, a major part of the human body’s defense strategy, can increase the number of white blood cells up to 14x their normal amount. “Greater participation in physical activity has consistently been associated with reduced risk of cancer incidence, including breast and colon cancers,” says James McClain, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute.

4. Spirituality and Breast Cancer – Through many years of journeying with cancer patients, we have experienced that the physical body is the easiest to heal. The most common spiritual exercise is prayer and meditation. Studies showed that helper and cytotoxic T-cell counts were higher among women with metastatic breast cancer who placed a great importance on spirituality.

The Green Secret’s Breast Cancer Prevention Juice. Make sure to thoroughly scrub and wash all vegetables and fruits before juicing

The Green Breakfast

1 medium Apples
3 medium Carrots
1 pc Cucumber
1 pc Kiwi
1 medium Pepper (sweet green)
2 cups Spinach
1 medium tomato
3 handfuls Camote leaves or 3-5 stems malunggay leaves.
Juice all ingredients. Stir and serve at room temperature or chilled, as desired.

A woman’s breast symbolizes many aspects of her being: femininity, maternity, attraction, youth. Armed with the green secret, let us break the chain of women dying every minute from breast cancer! As we continue celebrating International Women’s Month, our next issue will be on Cervical and Ovarian Cancers. God bless you on your journey to health and wellbeing. Email me at [email protected].

Christine E.V. Gonzalez is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and holds PhDs
in holistic nutrition and natural medicine. LLM (MS Environmental Laws & Labor)
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