

Another major part of spring cleaning and detoxification is spiritual: the greening of the spirit. Lent is the perfect time for spiritual detoxification. It gives us a wonderful opportunity for rebirth, hope, healing, and growth. With Lent, we are able to identify those areas of imbalance or stagnation, and now is the perfect time to get back on the right path, rediscover purpose in our direction, and allow God’s light to shine through and around us....

The current paradigm of health industry is sickness. The business of sickness is what hospitals, medical equipment makers, pharmaceutical companies, physicians and surgeons live on. However, focusing on sickness will never make for healthy citizens, businesses, communities or nations. We must create a new paradigm of disease prevention: diet and lifestyle changes that prevent illness before it starts and even reverse existing conditions....

Once we understand the underlying causes of breast cancer and what to do to correct them, effective action can be taken. In my 26 years of experience with cancer, there seems to be a combination of factors that make healing possible: early detection and diagnosis; commitment and motivation of the patient to heal; availability of resources: non-toxic foods, water, environment, doctors, healers, and healthy herbs; a strong support system of family and friends; and deep faith and spirituality....

In the Philippines, diabetes is called the “silent killer” because people are often unaware of the complications of the disease, a result from unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Can Sugar Be Green? Every 30 seconds, a limb is lost due to diabetes. The disease affects almost 371 million people worldwide. The International Diabetes Federation estimates that unless rapid action is taken, 1 in 10 people will have diabetes by 2030. As of 2012, diabetes affects the lives of 9.7% of the adult population in the Philippines (source: Philippine Association of Diabetes Educators (PADE) )...

In 2005, the total number of cardiovascular disease deaths (mainly coronary heart disease, stroke, and rheumatic heart disease) increased globally to 17.5 million. Of these, 9.6 million were attributed to coronary heart disease and 7.9 million to stroke. More than 80% of the deaths occurred in low and middle income countries. According to the World Health Organization, these deaths worldwide are attributable to low fruit and vegetable consumption....

Comprehensive lifestyle changes affect gene expression, “turning on” disease-preventing genes and “turning off” genes that promote cancer and heart disease, as well as lengthening telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that control how long we live [says] Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009. Even severe heart disease can often be reversed by making comprehensive lifestyle changes. These include a very low-fat diet of predominantly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes,—and enhanced love and social support, which may include support groups....